Celebrity Skin Care: 4 Stars Who Love Eminence

Celebrities have access to the newest and best beauty and skin care products out there. Plus, they work closely with some of the most elite makeup artists and estheticians in the biz to keep their skin looking camera ready. With the multitude of products available to them, it’s a huge compliment when these stars use Eminence…

Mixing Skin Care ingredients: Best and Worst Mixtures

It’s no secret that you can supercharge your skin care by combining various high-impact ingredients for maximum results. But unfortunately, not all skin care combinations play well together. While some ingredients come together and happily complement each other, others just don’t get along — which can wreak havoc on your skin. With our handy guide, you can…

The Dos And Don’ts Of Facial Steaming

Are you looking for a luxurious facial treatment that you can do between your visits to the spa? Facial steaming is a simple way to pamper your skin in the comfort of your own bathroom. Read on to find out what products you’ll need to do it safely and effectively with minimal cost or equipment to…

Renée’s Expert Advice On Changing Your Routine For Fall

As the seasons change, so should our skincare routines. While fall brings so many wonderful changes, like cooler weather, changing foliage, bonfires, and pumpkin-flavored everything, it isn’t always the kindest on our skin. Problems like dry and dehydrated skin (here’s the difference), increased sensitivity, eczema and psoriasis flare-ups, textured skin, and hyperpigmentation are all common…

Eminence Organic Skin Care Top Product Reviews

Are there any Eminence Organics products you just can’t live without? With so many fabulous products to choose from, it can be hard to narrow the list (and clear space on your vanity). To help you select your skin care essentials, we’ve put together some customer reviews and some tips about how to use Eminence products from…

Skin Care Tips For Travel

Packing for a trip and not sure what to stuff into your suitcase and what to leave behind? Between wardrobe, footwear, snacks and phone chargers, there’s a lot to make room for. Skin care should be on that list too, but there’s no need to bring your 10-step routine to the beach (or your campsite).…